The Complete Calibre Guide to Women's Watches with Jessica Diamond and Faye Soteri

Katie Harrell1 minute read
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For Calibre Podcast’s first all-female line-up, Jessica Diamond, Watch and Jewellery Editor at the Sunday Times Style and Times LUXX, and Faye Soteri, Senior Watch Buyer at the Watches of Switzerland Group, discuss all things women’s watches. Throughout this episode, the pair dive deep into the history of the women’s watch and journey through the ages to the most influential women’s watches of today.

Dating back to the origins of the first-ever women’s watch in the early 1800s, we discover women’s pivotal role in the evolution of wristwatches, beginning with the creation of the Breguet pocket watch in 1810. Worn only by aristocratic women of the time, women’s watches slowly began to filter through the masses, modernising over the years and giving us the beautiful timepieces we know them for today.

Moving us into the 21st century, the pair highlight key trends across the horological space, the rise of women wearing what we traditionally think as ‘men’s watches’, and conclude with their must-have timepieces of today.

You can listen to this podcast below:

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